Pace of play in a tournament is very important to players' enjoyment and to consistency of play. Penalties will be assesed if pace of play infractions occur. However, please understand that we play Saturday golf at popular golf courses and are not the first groups out. Rounds may run a minimum of 4.5 hours, so plan accordingly.


Pace of Play Rules and Penalties 


Every Pro Golf Club event will have the first group set up to be the pace setter group. This is necessary because there will already be players on the course before our tournament series tees off. Every group is required to stay within 15 minutes of the pace setter group's round time or within 15 minutes of the group in front to them.  If a group finishes 15 minutes behind the time of the pacesetter group or the group in front of them, a 1-stroke penalty will be added to all the players in that group. More than 20 minutes behind will result in a 2-stroke penalty.  This can be waived if there is consensus that a player in the group was asked by the group to pick up their pace and continued to slow the pace of play, in which case only the player responsible for the group's slow play will be penalized.


Here are some tips to keep up the pace of play:


  • PLAY READY GOLF. Just because this is a tournamnet does not mean that ready golf does not apply 
  • Measure your distance and know the club you want to hit as soon as you reach your golf ball. There is no reason to wait until the green is clear or the other players in your group have hit.
  • With regards to lost balls: have players hitting while others are looking and then switch off.
  • Always hit a provisional if there is even a chance that a ball may be lost or OB.
  • Play 2 balls if there are any ruling concerns.
  • If the circumstance arises, it is okay to kindly ask players in your group to keep moving and be ready.