Maximum Index 


The maximum allowable index that will be used to calculate a players handicap will be 30.0 


Tournament Handicap System 


Handicaps will be continually monitored after every event played in both the winter and summer months and adjustments made accordingly.  A player's Handicap Index may be reduced when a player has a minimum of two eligible tournament score differentials that are at least 3.0 better than the player's current Handicap Index. 


All players will be informed before playing in an event if their handicap is going to be adjusted and is now going to be different than their GHIN index moving forward.   


Every player will be allowed 1 exceptional round (at least 3.0 better than their current index) within a 3 month period. Any subsequent exceptional rounds within that 3-month period will result in an immediate score adjustment for that tournament in accordance to the formulas used by GHIN in section 10.3 of the USGA Handbook for handicapping.